
Operating with sustainability & managing business responsibilities

Code of Conduct and Compliance

Springfield believes in operating in a sustainable manner and managing our businesses responsibly. Our partnerships and business relationships have been built on trust and a belief in our integrity and respect for the rule of law. A value of Springfield is setting and adhering to the highest corporate standards and all applicable laws. To this end, we are committed to ethical behaviour and have published a Code of Conduct to guide our actions. The Code of Conduct is applicable to everyone in Springfield- from employees to the directors and all our suppliers and joint venture partners. Training is provided regularly to employees to ensure everyone understands the ambit of their responsibilities under the Code.


We owe a responsibility to the communities and countries in which we operate to remain law-abiding, respectful and contribute positively to development.

Zero Tolerance

Knowing the adverse impact corruption has on development, Springfield has a zero-tolerance policy on bribery and corruption.


We adhere strictly to all applicable anti-corruption laws as well as international best practices and have provided guidelines on anti-corruption in our code of conduct for all employees, directors, suppliers and partners.


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